At Montana Wave Project, we aim to improve water delivery to irrigators, enhance fish habitats, and mitigate dangerous hazards while providing a recreational whitewater wave for surfing and kayaking. Our non-profit organization focuses on updating irrigation infrastructure in a way that benefits all.
Montanans cherish their agricultural legacy, and it is still a driving force in our economy and livelihood. Yet, all across Montana irrigation structures are exhibiting signs of aging and degradation. Upgrading these structures with modern diversion and head gate infrastructure presents a unique opportunity to benefit more than just the ranchers who depend on them. Improved water control would grant irrigators more efficient access to water resources, eliminating safety hazards and the need for fortifying dams with rip rap and mitigating the risk of failures.
Everything below the high water mark is public space in Montana, and we are seeing increased use and enjoyment of this across the state. The presence of numerous low head dams poses significant hazards to swimmers, rafters, fishermen, and anyone encountering them. The retentive currents, entrapment dangers, and trauma associated with faulty infrastrucure with such dams have unfortunately led to a concerning number of fatalities. Read more about this from Montana Fish Wildlife and Parks
Our organization is committed to mitigating these risks to the recreation community. We are also committed to ensuring that our farmers and ranchers continue to thrive with up-to-date irrigation features. To achieve this goal and and assist the future prosperity of Montana agriculture, we seek to provide new infrastructure through grants and public fundraising efforts. Advancements in engineering have led to the development of irrigation dams that effectively address everyones concerns.
We propose enhancing your water management systems by retrofitting, rebuilding, or replacing your irrigation dam and headgate with state-of-the-art technology. This endeavor seeks to improve water resources while offering a mutually beneficial opportunity for all stakeholders involved.